Bringing some depth to Sport Memorabilia Framing

Framing your sport memorabilia is an ideal method of preserving memories in their pristine state. In the absence of such fine treatment, jerseys and other articles can lose their appeal, their good condition, or worse, become lost in the shuffle.

Framers have long made a habit of putting unique articles up on the wall, but these frames have often struggled with bulkier items. In the absence of objects that can be laid out flat, frames struggle. This is a pity, as many articles of sport memorabilia are not conducive to this treatment. Luckily, your innovative framers at Amarisco have managed to find a solution.

Our new frames operate almost more like a display case hanging on your wall. With proper support and pegging for your article, these pieces can now be displayed in all their three-dimensional glory, in striking, deep frames.

Such articles that have received this treatment include such things as racing goggles, hats, caps, and sculptures, but there is almost no limit on the extent to which this practice expands the potential for bits and pieces to become a stylish part of your wall.

Best yet are the display capabilities offered by these cases. With the deeper cases come the opportunities to augment the lighting and shade elements of the display. With proper lighting, the object casts its shadow down on to the backdrop, and adds a view that augments the look and shape of the piece.

With this broader range of possibilities, we at Amarisco can take care of your favourite sports memorabilia, with a new method of framing and protecting it. We can ensure that your fondest memories are preserved for years to come.